URGENT - app won't load suddenly!

When I try to go to my Android app, which has been in use for some time, with no edits to the app - I’m suddenly getting this error:

The webpage at
could not be loaded because:


I badly need this by morning so I know where my customer appointments are tomorrow! Any assistance greatly appreciated!

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I cannot access the app as I would need permissions.

I am the original creator, but I haven’t touched the app in a couple years, its just been working! So I’m a bit rusty, how do I give you permissions?

I’m guessing I need your email to grant you permissions?

If you are using Google (or any provider) authentication, then you would just need to add the email below to the users list:


Added with author priveleges, and email sent…

I am in the editor and it seems you have App Formula errors. They seem to be around the usage of the LAT() function. You said you haven’t made changes so maybe there was breaking change in the function?

You will want to correct those errors.

EDITED: I took a quick and it seem the LAT() is using a ChangeLocation type column which should be valid. Maybe the data in the column is bad?

The data looks good to me. I would contact AppSheet ASAP to try to reach them before they end their day

To temporarily get past the error and allow you to launch the app, You might be able to change the Column type for the ChangeLocation columns to LatLong type.

You would not get ChangeLocation updates for any new rows you add.

I’m not currently using the ChangeLocation functionality - that was added by a developer we paid, looking at future versions, but is not something currently being used. What type is it now? I’ll take a look, but if that would allow me to launch, that would be great.

Not sure I understand your suggestion - the error seems to be in the Columns “StartToGPS” and “EndToGPS” with the following error:

Column Name ‘StartToGPS’ in Schema ‘Timesheet_Schema’ of Column Type ‘LatLong’ has an invalid app formula ‘DISTANCE(LATLONG(LAT([TimeSheetStartGPS]),LONG([TimeSheetStartGPS])),LATLONG(LAT([JobLocation]),LONG([JobLocation])))’. Parameter 1 of function LAT is of the wrong type

Since no one else has responded, could you try that - actually not using the “TimeSheet” table at all - if that could be disabled without affecting other parts of the program.

I’ve sent an email to the appsheet team, the only contact info I see is email, with a response promised in 12-24 hours.

Hi @GaryRima, @WillowMobileSystems @Aleksi
Did you manage to figure out what the error was here?

We have the exact same issue:

But the error only appears on SOME of our devices. The other devices (exactly the same model, Android version, software, etc) run perfectly.
So the issue is not with the Device, App or the version of Android, etc.

We have also restored factory settings on phones, updated Android, and reinstalled Appsheet multiple times. What is interesting is that with reinstallation, the Appsheet App opens for the first time, BUT the next time the same error comes up and you’re stuck.

Thanks in advance for any insights you may have…


Sorry, I lost sight of this thread so I’m not sure what the resolution was.

FYI, for all who read, to make sure a poster is notified, you want to hit the 
Reply button within the post OR do what @candicepelser did and tag specific 
users in the post.


I would recommend opening a new thread for your issue. It will get a lot more eyes on it for help. Also, if you can, elaborate more on the error. There should be some supporting description along with “net: ERR_FAILED” message.

Some info about the app would help such as is this a new app? Has it been working then suddenly started getting errors? Any changes? …ect.

In case anyone here is still struggling with app not loading… In our case it seemed to be a problem with Appsheet’s new IP addresses needing to be added to our SQL Server Firewall rules. Which is what we did and now all good again.

See this article for the new IP addresses to be added: https://help.appsheet.com/en/articles/1658319-managing-ip-addresses-and-firewall-information

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