Uploaded file handling in create PDF/HTML task

I have a form in which the user uploads pictures and files. These files are saved to OneDrive and the file names are entered in the excel table.

When i create a task to export each form to PDF or HTML, the uploaded image and file appears as a hyperlink. This hyperlink refers to a URL like: โ€œhttps://www.appsheet.com/get/?i=YXBwTmFtZT1NU0tQWVโ€ฆโ€

I believed that this URL links to the files which are originally stored in OneDrive. However even if I delete the files in OneDrive, the URL continues to function. I then assumed it maybe cached data and tried the URL after 20 hours or so from deleting the base file in OneDrive. But it is still functional.

The question is: Where is this file being stored? For how long will the URLs be functional?

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Platinum 4

Files are cached by AppSheet for a long time. I donโ€™t know exactly how long, but I know itโ€™s a long time: maybe weeks or longer. If you need something removed from the cache, I suggest you contact support@appsheet.com.

Thanks. So this also means that these links will break after these files are purged from the cache.

In that case I need to figure out some way to put the OneDrive links into these PDFs.

AppSheet in general needs to have some better way of handling uploads. Maybe a an integration with some third party service specifically for this purpose. Could also solve the problem of multiple uploads in one field.


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