Useremail() value in automation


I would like to use Useremail() for one of my bots but whether its use is in the event or the action, regardless of the email with which i preview my App and trigger the event, the bot acts like Useremail() sent back the app creatorโ€™s email.

To exemplify, imagine a bot which contain a condition for event like : โ€œUSEREMAIL()=โ€ฆโ€ or a process which run a data action which set row values like : โ€œIF(USEREMAIL()=โ€ฆโ€.

I tried both and the bot acts like Useremail() sent back the app creatorโ€™s email, the event isnโ€™t triggered or the row values are setted with wrongs values.

So I wonder if this is normal, if there is a problem, if it is due to the fact that I have not yet deployed my application or just that what I want to do is not possible ?


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Yes correct, till the app is deployed, the emails go to only app creator.

Thank you for your quick reply.
I know that emails go to app creator but is it normal that Useremail() value is also concerned by this restriction ?
I guess so now but i want to be sure.

Not sure what you mean by this. Could you please elaborate?

I would assume, if the USEREMAIL() is used in an expression and if the app creator is testing the app, USEREMAIL() will need to be of the app creator for the logic to move forward.

I mean is this normal that my bot run an action with app creator email as Useremail() value no matter which email i use to preview the app and trigger the event ?
Likewise, is this normal that a bot with a Useremail() condition before firing the Action isnโ€™t triggered if the condition is different from โ€œUSEREMAIL()=app creator emailโ€ ?
(always with an undeployed application)

Yes. The execution of the Action, from within a Bot, is handed over to the server, which always runs as the app owner.

USEREMAIL() should be available in the condition for a Data Change Event, as the actual user making a change.

Ok i understand thank you.

I had already tried using USEREMAIL() in the condition for a Data Change Event and as i said, regardless of the user who makes a change, it always trigger the event with condition like โ€œUSEREMAIL()=app creator emailโ€ and not those like โ€œUSEREMAIL()<>app creator emailโ€ what i donโ€™t understand.

At this point, I think you need to post the actual config to understand where are you using the USEREMAIL() function.
Maybe you are using it wrong, who knows

I had 2 solutions in my mind and thanks to @Marc_Dillon i understand now why the first one doesnโ€™t work. There is nothing to detail anymore concerning this one.

Here is an example to illustrate the second solution :

Event 1 :

Event 2 :
same one with condition : USEREMAIL() <> ***

Considere that the hidden email is mine, the app creatorโ€™s email.
Whatever email I use when I make a data change, it trigger the first event, what i donโ€™t understand. Here is my problem.
I remind you that I have not deployed my application and that this may be due to this.

Hi, I face the same issue even though my app is deployed.

In an action triggered through automation on a Data change event, the USEREMAIL() value is the email of the app creator, not the user that triggered the event.

Hello from 2024 xD, did you figure out a way around this USEREMAIL() problem when using bots as always being set to the app creator instead of the user who triggered it?

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