Using with mySQL in the cloud, can multiple external users with their own credentials use an app?

Using mySQL in the cloud as database store; can multiple external users with their own credentials use an appsheet app?
I have a group of external users going to use a monitoring app, so they are not part of an internal organisation. I want them only to use the app, login with their own username and email, is that possible with MySQL in the cloud or can I do that with Onedrive?

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Hi Muk,

I believe that the database (MySQL in your case) and user security (the login) run over different rails, and so they are completely independant.

AppSheet doesnโ€™t manage credentials itself, but it relies on some identity providers. You may choose one of them and add users individualy or by domain

Hi Nicolas, thanks for your reply! I use my office365 (excel) as test environment. When finished I like to transfer to AWS or Google Cloud. About a group of 20 users are going to use the appsheet app. So how to arrange? Manage users in appsheet and invite them? How do they login? Do they have to login in AWs or Google Cloud also?? I only want them to use the app for input โ€ฆI do not understand how to manage this bestโ€ฆ

The users simply need an appsheet account which can be authenticated through any of those authentication providers. The connection to the database is all done through your account. The users arenโ€™t accessing your database; appsheet is accessing your database.

As for managing them, you can whitelist users in your Users-Users tabs. If you allow all signed in users, then anyone with an appsheet account can access your app or you can specifically allow access to only a group of emails.

Hi Austin, thank you. So one login account for the cloud to connect appsheet owned be me, for the rest of the users I purchase Appsheet accounts?! Is this correct?
So I can specify per user what they can do with the app?

You would have to code in permissions to limit user access to views, actions, data, etc.
Might want to contact (@Steve is that the right email?) for some advice on how to handle buying users accounts andsuch but yes every user for your apps will need an appsheet account.

The following represents my best understanding, but may be inaccurate. For authoritative information, please contact

AppSheet supports a variety of cloud-based authentication providers, including Google and Microsoft.

OneDrive, yes. MySQL plays no role in user authentication.

You, as the app creator, will need a supported cloud-provider account (Google, Microsoft, etc.) to create an AppSheet account and create your apps.

For data stored in spreadsheets, your apps will use your cloud account to store both the data and media files (images, PDF files, templates, etc.).

For data stored in a database (e.g. MySQL), app data will be stored in the database, and the app will use whatever database credentials you provide to perform that access. Your app will still use your cloud account to store media files.

Users of your app will need a supported cloud-provider login, but merely to log into the app. The app will become aware of the userโ€™s login email address, which is how the app can be configured to treat users differently. The app will not need or have access to the app userโ€™s cloud account, except as needed only to login (as far as I know). App users will not need database credentials.

No, youโ€™ll purchase user licenses that will determine how many users may access the app. AppSheet doesnโ€™t care who those users are (thatโ€™s up to you), just how many. AppSheet does keep track of the email addresses of the individual users, both for authentication, and for license accounting.

You have the option to control which logged-in users may access your app. This is a simple configuration within the app editor. If you want finer-grade control over what users may access or do within the app, it is up to you to construct the app accordingly. AppSheet does provide means to do that, and this community is an excellent resource as well.

For more information, please contact

My explanations:Machete
Steveโ€™s explanations: scalpel


Thanks for your helpโ€ฆ
Users of your app will need a supported cloud-provider login, but merely to log into the app. The app will become aware of the userโ€™s login email address, which is how the app can be configured to treat users differently. The app will not need or have access to the app userโ€™s cloud account, except as needed only to login (as far as I know). App users will not need database credentials.

Steve I still do not fully understand: See my picture. I want external users to work with the app with there own email not with a Microsoft account. Can they login the app without login in to the cloud service (365 or MySQL server)โ€ฆ When I login in my app at first on my mobile phone, I had to put in my office365 credentialsโ€ฆI donโ€™t want the users to do that, just simple use there own email (username and or password), is this possible. So how can I arrange thisโ€ฆ Thanks again Muk

Not really. Itโ€™s possible to construct an app to work that way, but it would be entirely insecure. AppSheet provides no inherent mechanism to support that approach, so it would be entirely on you to construct it.

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