When a new record is created in an app, I wou...

When a new record is created in an app, I would like to email the user the record is assigned too, Name in column (Assign To). Is this possible?

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Yes you can add his/her email to your Workflow like [Assign To]

@Aleksi_Alkio Is this not available on the free version of appsheet?

When the app is not depolyed, all emails will go to the app creator.

I would like to send an email to the email address of the person who is added to column [Assign To] when the new record is created.

The email is a simple email to notify the user that an action has been requested against their name.

I have looked through the guide Syed but cant see where I would have the app select the email address itself based on the email address in the users email column?

You can add that [Assign To] into the field โ€œToโ€ in your Workflow.

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