XY multiple drawings

Bronze 5
Bronze 5

I have an inspection app for a facilty with 5 floors. I have the blueprints of each floor in a pdf file. How do i use the pdf to pin locations and how do i make it so i can add more than one pdf?

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You need to convert PDF to image file. If your PDF files multiple pages then you split those to separate image file and use for xy type column background images.

What do you mean background?

I interpret your requirement to use PDF as background image for XY type column to place pins over, like we do map.

Lets say i have a table with inspection points. There is: ID, Inspection point name, image, xy location?

I donโ€™t know what you mean.

These are my table columns:
ID, Inspection point name, Image, Location

Each inspection has a different location, some locations on the same image and some on other images, is that possible?

What the data type for your location field?

Change Xy type image for backs round is surely possible as we are now able to use expression .

XY column

What is your business workflow where you need to change the background image ?

Inspection point name?

Do you have master table for inspection point and you have ref connection?

Yes, the inspection names are on different images

How do i allow more than one background image?

My suggestion is you create master table for inspection point and name. For this table add image column and you save background image down there for each point.

Go to table and set the ref type to inspection name field.

Then go to XY location field and make sure this is set to XY type.
You have place to select background image for this field . Add deref expression [inspection place name].[background image]

Overall, looks something like this.

This should dynamically change background image based on the selection of inspection place name.


So, i have done that and i get no image on my map view. this is the link i created for my image:


Dont use google drive link. If you want I need to borrow to borrow trick from @Fabian

Hi Fabian I lost the link to your post telling us how to twist google drive URL to work on appsheet?

Permalinks for Google Drive Resources


Oh, thanks @Fabian !
This is the one, i forgot to add to my favorite, which is done now.

While we wait for, please follow my guide how to store image for background.
You created table for master ? And image field? Then upload your image converted from PDF.

That s my suggestion to you.

I have a master table: ID, INSPECTION NAME, IMAGE
second table: ID, INSPECTION NAME(Ref), location(XY)

In the XY background i wrote: [inspection name].[image]

How was the result?

I dont see any image

Did you save image to InspectionPlaceName table, - image field?

i used this to save my image

I meanโ€ฆ You need to save image โ€œthrough Appsheet Appโ€โ€ฆ

So, it started working
Now i have another problem, i need to be able to select which map to show.
Tnx for your kind help

Map or xy background Image ?

I made it work with a dashboard view and an interactive mode

Solved your problem?

Yes, as always, you have saved me

Great to hear.

I thought you now have another and separate issue, based on your earlier comment.

This gave me an impression that you may encounter another issue.

This is just out of my guess. I just tried to read your mind.

You want to display the pins collected throughout the various โ€œinspectionโ€ on the single โ€œmapโ€ (not a map actually, but x y type image with pins over the image).

Yes, map can display multiple pins over the map, but now we are talking about XY type column and the problem is the background images are dynamically changing right here.

But dont worry, there is a tips as always.

First, i m not sure how many different inspection point names you have, but let me assume you have 5 different point.

Then you create slice for each point by using expression of [Inspection Point Name] = โ€œxxxโ€
Now you have 5 slices like this

Slice 1 = InspectionPoint1
Slice 2 = InspectionPoint2
Slice 3 = InspectionPoint3
Slice 4 = InspectionPoint4
Slice 5 = InspectionPoint5

Create a new table, just single column of [InspectionPointName] and make it ref to master table you already created which will generate a drop down.

Then add Virtual column as XY type.
App formula you need to kick in should be something like

[InspectionPointName]=โ€œInspectionPoint1โ€, select(InspectionPoint1[Image]),
[InspectionPointName]=โ€œInspectionPoint2โ€, select(InspectionPoint2[Image]),
[InspectionPointName]=โ€œInspectionPoint3โ€, select(InspectionPoint3[Image]),
[InspectionPointName]=โ€œInspectionPoint4โ€, select(InspectionPoint4[Image]),
[InspectionPointName]=โ€œInspectionPoint5โ€, select(InspectionPoint5[Image])

Make this table - update only.

Then generate Detail view out of this new table, and make it quickly editable for the filed of InspectionPointName

This will work as image picker with pins and should change the image and pins dynamically, based on the selection of inspection point.

Donโ€™t forget to insert the same expression to the part of Xy type image column to change the background image as well.

Iโ€™m not testing with my app but technically it should work .

How can i share my app with you?

Here is my solution (might be useful for you).

I have 2 tables. The column โ€œMapโ€ links data between these 2 tables.

 ` Object(Object, Detail, Map, Location)`

 ` Map(Map, Picture URL)`


Each object has its own map and XY location. You can tap a pin to show the object on its map.

I also have a gallery view to show all maps. When tap into each map, there are 2 actions for user to choose; 1) to show all pins in the map OR 2) to show list of objects belong to the map. Note that object counting numbers is attached to mapโ€™s names (in this sample images, there are 3 objects in 2 maps; 1 in YARD-1 and 2 in YARD-2).

In this way, you can add as many maps as you may require in the map table. Nothing else you need to do or customize.

How did you get the Picture URL?

Save your pictures in web server or blog service where your pictures can have STATIC URL (not dynamic URL). Then you can just copy the pictureโ€™s URL to paste in the โ€œPicture URLโ€ column.

Note that Google drive does not provide static URL, so cannot use for this data structure.

You can also use this expression to get the URL:

SUBSTITUTE(concatenate(โ€œhttps://www.appsheet.com/template/gettablefileurl?appName={YourAppName}&tableName={YourTableNameWithImage}&fileName=โ€,[ImageColumn]), " ", โ€œ%20โ€)

Thanks to @tsuji_koichi

I manage map pictures in different way. I keep it in other place in order to fix them there. So itโ€™s safer if (in future) AppSheet change the picture naming convention when saving in G-Drive. Also, the URL value is read straight forward from column, no need any process thru functions.

If you change maps very often, tsujiโ€™s trick is very useful.

The problem i have is that i want my users to upload images without my help, i need a solution when they upload an image and the app changes the image into a url

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