move records up and down with a button

Hello everybody. I am trying to build a function that allows the end user to move the interventions of a fertilization plan.

For instance:

product 1
product 2

product 3

product 5
product 6

must be able to easily obtain a different order such as:

product 3

product 5
product 6

product 1
product 2

I imagined it as if they offered us icons to move them up and down.

The tables are referenced parent-child-grandchild.
I have to sort the RIGHE PIANI table (child).

PIANI table (parent)PIANI table (parent)


RIGHE INTERVENTI table (grandchild)RIGHE INTERVENTI table (grandchild)


RIGHE PIANI table (child)RIGHE PIANI table (child)


By intuition I assume you need an order column that I entered. Now I would like to understand:

1. what values โ€‹โ€‹do you recommend for [ORDER]?

2. what expressions can I use so that the user can obtain the described mechanism?

3. is there any way to get a full table view (parent + child + grandchild)? I would like the products to appear directly in the PIANI_detail_view instead of related_INTERVENTION as in the child detail view

parent detail viewparent detail view


child detail viewchild detail view


thanks to anyone who tries to help me and I apologize if the subject may have already been dealt with.

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