Choose which form to open in "open a form to edit this row" action


It would be amazing if we could choose a form to open when performing the action called “open a form to edit this row”

I’d like to be able to make an action that opens a form for a slice of a table which has a select number of columns to edit

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New Member

Nevermind, this is already possible!

If you use “go to another view within this app” and use LINKTOROW([row key], "form view name") it’ll work how I described!

Silver 1
Silver 1

unfortunately this solution does not allow opening a form from a table view as the LINKTOROW action is not Not a row level action type action, does anyone who what logic appsheet uses to determine the form that the add action (open a form to add new row to this table) is using?

I have split my form into two forms, Prelim Order Form, Main Order Form, so that i can run an action off the Prelim form save and then load into the Main form with the finish view, i had it working but now appsheet is loading the main form by default and i cant figure out why that is…

Silver 1
Silver 1

Never mind i found it, UX view are sorted alphabetically on the view name and appsheet add action appears to be using ascending logic

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

It uses the view of type form in the ref position for the data table displayed by the table view.



To accomplish this, I would create a slice of the table to present the table and the Prelim Order Form, then use the Form Saved event action to navigate the user to the Main Order Form. The Prelim Order Form would be the form view in the ref position for the slice; the Main Order Form would be the form view in the ref position of the table.

See also:

Bronze 5
Bronze 5

Hi Steve!
I get how the view determines the form but what if there is more than one ref form for the table?

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

AppSheet uses some logic to decide which of the available ref form views for a table to use, but I’m not sure what that logic is. It may be as simple as choosing the most recently created ref form view for the table. There is no way to tell AppSheet to choose a particular ref form view for a table.

What are you trying to accomplish?

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Bronze 1
Bronze 1

The best solution that I found was using “go to another view within this app” and use LINKTOROW([_THISROW], "form view name"). It´s like answer of @Cameron_Brown1 , but using [_THISROW].
I hope you find usefull.

Bronze 4
Bronze 4

I am trying to solve a similar issue. I have a view that works like a message board (or group chat window). The table contains [ID], [Timestamp],[User ID] and [Message] columns and also a virtual column for [Profile Pic] that is populated from the [Users] table using the [User ID] reference. All these columns are displayed in a Card type of view.  


Other than the [Message] column all the rest of the data can be derived automatically but when I click the ADD button, it brings all 5 columns and looks very messy. The only value I need to enter is the [Message]. When I tried to hide the other columns in the data source, they also gets disappear from the Card View.

I created a slice with only the [Message] column and added a Form type of view for it. But I am unsure how to bring call this view from an action. The action I tried to create all bringing up the default Form for data entry.

Bronze 5
Bronze 5

Thank you, I had the same question, and your solution works.

Bronze 1
Bronze 1

The solution given by @Diegoam that has an addition to @Cameron_Brown1's solution works fine. Thanks.