Enable Links to Local Files (file://) to work

As per discussion, Appsheet is not capable of opening file:// links (e.g. to pdf documents) on servers that are accessible to all users

Meanwhile http:// links to pdf documents on the web are possible


Access to file://xyz.pdf is a logical extension

A key example is a business process App used by both mobile users and desktop users who have access to a common file-system.  There are very few types of App where seamless integration of mobile and desktop is not a given requirement.


Status Not Planned
1 12 744
Gold 5
Gold 5

I think that your specific need is way out of the scope of AppSheet.

AppSheet is a platform that serves web apps conected to a database for anyone to be in sync with the data and interact with it inside the apps. Makes no sense to access local files.

The only thing that comes to my mind that could work is to use a URL column and config the action to launch externally, and even then it's not a solution that 99+% of people would ever use.

It's sad but true, AppSheet is not the perfect tool for all people and all use cases

Bronze 5
Bronze 5

Thanks @SkrOYC 

While it was maybe a little abrupt, you are maybe right.  The feature(s) I have suggested may be useless to almost all your customers.  Maybe some of them will join the conversation.  You said similar to the NFC feature I was suggesting (also suggested by another customer)

I guess you are familiar with #DesignThinking

I am an (amateur) product developer.  I'm sure you have more experience.  I work for a small 140 year-old company that supplies customers like Rolls Royce, Pratt & Whitney, GE and others.  We get requests for functionality all the time where customers are asking for things that are outside the scope of our current thinking of how we envisaged the product to be used. Before that I started a company overseas off my own IP.  Before that I worked for an international company in R&D.  Our team's developments went all over the world. 

In 25 years in innovation and R&D neither I, nor anyone on teams I lead or am part of have ever told a customer or a user that they didn't need the feature they requested, or that the feature they requested was useless to 99+% of customers.

Experience has humbled me a little.  Whenever I think a user/customer is stupid or is asking for something they don't need, it's usually down to something I didn't understand.

But hey.  No hard feelings. 

Back to work and have a great day!

Bronze 5
Bronze 5

In specific response to your comment @SkrOYC 


I think that your specific need is way out of the scope of AppSheet.
AppSheet is a platform that serves web apps conected to a database for anyone to be in sync with the data and interact with it inside the apps. Makes no sense to access local files.



I'm noting that Appsheet is specifically designed to work with On-prem databases.
I therefore have some questions:

1) Is this within the scope of what Appsheet aspires to be and do?

2) Aren't these also "local" in the network sense of the word?

3) Doesn't Appsheet expect that all users have access to them?

4) Is this feature intended to be used on mobile or on PC ?

Gold 5
Gold 5
Bronze 5
Bronze 5

I see.

In that case I can see how links to local files wouldn't be a priority for Appsheet.

How do I close a request here.

Gold 5
Gold 5

@gefaila wrote:

How do I close a request here.

By reporting the topic to a moderator

Status changed to: Delivered
Community Manager
Community Manager

Thanks both @gefaila & @SkrOYC . Closing this conversation here.

Silver 5
Silver 5

Hi @Pratyusha 

declined is the correct result, isn't it?

Gold 4
Gold 4

yeah, this must be "Declined" category, I believe.

Status changed to: Declined
Community Manager
Community Manager
Gold 5
Gold 5
Status changed to: Not Planned
Community Manager
Community Manager