Firebase data connection

Now that appsheet is part of Google, the next big feature we could have accross apps is live dynamic databases like Firestore.
Is it possible?
How much time could it take?

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Silver 5


Apologies, I’ve been too busy lately to write out a good response to this thread. I will try and summarize but it may be most efficient to schedule a 15 minute call if you want more information.

I’m currently on my fourth major iteration of a user onboarding / signup flow built on appsheet. Here are some challenges I’ve encountered:

  • without domain authentication, the user onboarding process requires two steps: adding the user to the application whitelist, and then adding them to a user table. Thus, for the best user onboarding experience from both the app user standpoint and app developer standpoint, domain authentication is a must. This becomes even more important when you have many applications, as each one has its own user whitelist table that would have to be maintained.
  • Corporate Appsheet initiatives often start small and it can be hard to get buy-in from IT for access to SSO / active directory.
  • Inviting users from external domains has been problematic when using generic oauth providers - some large engineering clients have prevented their users from using oauth to log in to external services.
  • Many applications would benefit from being multi-tenant / allowing external collaboration. A single domain authentication provider is not ideal in this case, unless it is specific to the AppSheet environment (e.g. not your corporate domain auth).

Basically, there are a lot of reasons why we should want to have a standalone authentication service for our AppSheet environment, even in the case of large corporations.

In the past I would have wished to consolidate all of my appsheet infrastructure into Google Cloud. Ironically, appsheet and Google drive are the only things I use that aren’t hosted in AWS and this is almost entirely a result of using Cognito.

Silver 1
Silver 1


I really have no idea.
I want to make an app that is totally running on Google Cloud services. Currently, it is running totally on GCS.
I need a database that is on GCS. I do not want to use any third-party managed database.

I need recommendations.
Thank you.


My understanding (please feel free to correct me if I’m wrong) is that Google Auth (like the auth in Google Workspace for Drive/Sheets) is integrated with Google Cloud Identity, so the Google Auth available in AppSheet can authenticate users configured in Google Cloud Identity. Let me know if you have any insights here or limitations you’ve run into with this approach.



Thanks Jonathon. This all makes sense. Thanks for the explanation.

Another solution that I think would provide similar capabilities is Identity Platform. Hopefully, we can eventually have integrations to both of these native Google identity solutions (Firebase Auth and Identity Platform).

Thanks again. Happy to meet for 15 minutes to discuss further.

New Member

Just discovered AppSheet … so can we use firebase as a data source yet?

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A use case that I would implement with firebase app is a management dashboard for my mobile app that is powered by Firebase.

For instance, imagine I have an app that shows various products to the users. I can manage these products (add, update, and delete them) through AppSheet without implementing these features in the app itself. This would allow focusing more on the features we want to deliver to the end users and separate management features in separate app that is developed by AppSheet.

I am excited for this.


Bronze 1
Bronze 1

Hi everyone, do you have any updates for this?

We have a use case that can be useful, we have an App that uses Firebase as BackEnd, and it works perfectly, but in order to create the administrators use cases we need to create another app or in the same one have role administrator (you all know how heavy can be that), so appsheet could be a perfect use case to create de admin app of this "Users App" because it wont need a lot of UX/UI and is more Workflow oriented solution.

Hope to hear from you

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Bronze 3
Bronze 3

Is this available yet?