More design options

Hi Appsheet team,
As a designer I would like to have more influence on how the app looks A few sugestions;

  • I would like to choose my own brand (hex) color and not a predefined color set. Just a Primary, Secondary, etc. Just like in Bootstrap
  • The option to choose a button style. I have (with Format rules) created a Yes/No button with a green or red text. But my brand color is Blue. So the text is almost not visible (especially for colorblind people) So maybe a Solid and an Outlined button?
  • It would be nice to have the option to choose if a field should be displayed different widths per row. Now each row is 100%, which is pretty ok on mobile. But when viewing on an Ipad or Desktop, this leaves a lot of whitespace.

Thanks for reading

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15 17 1,093

Hi there,
You can definitely use your own hex colors in format rules, just put your color in a #FFFFFF format in the format rule.

Silver 5
Silver 5

@Gil When can we specify our own primary app/brand hex colors, instead of the predefined options?

New Member

Hi Gil,
I know that that is possible in the Format rules. But I want to set custom brand colors.
Something like this:


I’ve misread the question apparently (Monday morning symptom).

Gold 1
Gold 1

I just voted for this instead of making a feature request of my own. I agree with the general idea of getting more control over how the app looks and would like to make a specific request:

Could we be allowed to attach “primary color” branding to specific views so that we could have different ‘looks’ in different parts of the app?

My experience has been that even with format rules, it’s difficult to control the color of overlay actions, etc. Also, format rules tend to be rather expensive. But, if we could just say “make the color scheme for this view . . .” then we could give users a visual clue as to where they are in the app (useful when views are similar) without writing lots of specific formal rules for every conceivable case.

By the way, I’m particularly interested in being able to change the “primary color” (see below) based on the view.


Silver 5
Silver 5

Yes, I want to set the primary color to a hex color to match my organization’s branding. I wouldn’t think that would be too hard to implement.

Bronze 5
Bronze 5


Gold 1
Gold 1

I do understand that it is roiling out to all users, just wait for something like this:

Silver 5
Silver 5

Just curious, how long will it take to roll it out to all users?

Bronze 3
Bronze 3

I think you might be wanting Custom Themes to be a features?

Also, some other software might have defined themes for Day/Night, Color Blindness, Branding, etc.

Furthermore, such themes should be sharable between applications and the Appsheet Developer Community in general?

New Member


Gold 1
Gold 1

Hi @jader_james, that primary color is already rolled out.

New Member

Sorry i want yellow background color.

New Member

You can already set your background however you want.

New Member

Sorry…i was meaning background color for the entire app including forms…i just saw now we can change de background of the main screen…but what about to see one background in any type of view: form, detail, etc