More design options

Hi Appsheet team,
As a designer I would like to have more influence on how the app looks A few sugestions;

  • I would like to choose my own brand (hex) color and not a predefined color set. Just a Primary, Secondary, etc. Just like in Bootstrap
  • The option to choose a button style. I have (with Format rules) created a Yes/No button with a green or red text. But my brand color is Blue. So the text is almost not visible (especially for colorblind people) So maybe a Solid and an Outlined button?
  • It would be nice to have the option to choose if a field should be displayed different widths per row. Now each row is 100%, which is pretty ok on mobile. But when viewing on an Ipad or Desktop, this leaves a lot of whitespace.

Thanks for reading

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15 17 1,087
Silver 1
Silver 1

For the multiple fields option I think they can have a layout rezising modes like for example:

Full: the field stretches to the screen length
Fit content: The length is defined by the text it contains
Fixed: A length that won’t change no matter the content
Grouped: Two or more column values are grouped next one another and they resize as if it was a table.

Currently as a workaround you can add a virtual column that concatenates the values from the other two or three columns you want to display horizontally and maybe the name of that column can be something general, for example:

CONCATENATE("Blood type: ", [blood], " - ", [age], " years old", " - ", [city])

Personal details:
Blood type: A+ - 25 years old - Miami FL

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