Is there an alternative to Google Drive in the Cloud / GCP ?

Here's my use case 

1. My customer uses Google Workspace Enterprise Edition which we all know comes with Google Drive.

2. The current limitation is the number of files that can be present inside a single folder which is around 450k

3. I need a scalable solution that mimics a G-Drive in the Cloud  plus the  lifecycle management of hot and cold data similar to Google Cloud Storage (GCS).  Users should be able to  access the data publicly from their on prem systems but with permissions enforced (similar to how GCS works). Looks like I need a feature set that includes a mix of what is offered in object storage (direct public access via IAM + ability to move objects to different tiers)  and also file storage (scalability, NFS etc)

5. Is Cloud FileStore an option here? 


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Hello @dheerajpanyam,

Your options are: Cloud Filestore and Cloud Storage

Most of the requirements that you described are available in Google Cloud Storage. Filestore on the other hand doesn't have any lifecycle management. If your main concern is scalable file storage, then I suggest looking into these related references:

You can also contact Google Cloud Support to further look into your case. Hope it helps, thanks!

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