#QwiklabsExpress: 5-star labs

Got your ticket to free labs? Great! Thanks for joining us! Amazing to see all the new badges rolling in from last week 😍 

When you’re considering gifts for friends and family, do you check the product reviews and recs? I do! So this week, let’s talk about lab recommendations. 

What is one lab or quest that you would give a five-star recommendation? And why?

Maybe it taught you a useful skill or helped you explore a really interesting topic? Or maybe it helped you tackle a really tough challenge at work? Drop your recommendation as a comment on this thread, and share why you picked it. 

“Like” the other recommendations that resonate with you. No limit to how many “likes” and replies you can give but please limit yourself to one recommendation! And with your #QwiklabsExpress ticket, feel free to explore the recs that interest you. After all, this week we’re all about diving deep into a new skillset 🙂

Now the fun part. The top 10 eligible recommendations with the most "likes" by Dec. 22, 2021 end of day (Pacific time) will receive an additional gift. While supplies last, limited time only.  


  1. Please continue to respect and follow community guidelines
  2. Please continue to discuss prizes on this post only.  

What to include in your rec (recommendations that don't meet all requirements are welcome, but ineligible for any prize):

  1. Reply to this exact thread 
  2. Include the exact name of the lab or quest (will be used to verify your rec!)
  3. A few words about why you recommend that particular lab or quest
  4. A link to your Skills Boost profile
  5. Please "like" at least one other rec that resonates with you 

👉DO NOT EXPECT A DM IMMEDIATELY👈 if you think you are eligible for a gift. DMs will arrive before Jan 31, 2022. Limit one prize per person, only while supplies last, first come first serve. 


  1. Do I have to earn the badge or complete the lab I recommend?
    1. Yes! But it doesn't have to have been earned this week.  
  2. Where do I post my comment? 
    1. Reply to this post. Anything outside of this thread will not be considered. 
  3. What do you mean, "most likes"?
    1. Every Google Cloud Community member can click "like" for any post or comment (it's the "thumbs up" symbol 👍). You can see the number of "likes" in realtime. The 10 recs that receive the most 👍 will be considered. 
  4. What if I write the 11th review?
    1. You missed this one but never fear. Stay tuned for next week's challenge!
  5. What if I don't want to post a link to my Skills Boost profile?
    1. You are welcome to avail yourself of the free training opportunity, but you're only eligible for a gift if you meet all the requirements listed.
  6. What if I don't want to post in the GCC?
    1. You are welcome to avail yourself of the free training opportunity, but you're only eligible for a gift if you meet all the requirements listed.
  7. What if I have a question about the gift?
    1. I’m glad you asked! All swag-related questions should be posted on this thread. Any swag-related comments posted elsewhere (for example in the general forum) will be assessed and removed by moderators, in an effort to keep our forums well-organized and helpful.

Looking forward to taking some of your highly-recommended labs as 2021 winds down! After all, December is a great month to learn something new 🙂 🎄

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#Qwiklabs Express : 5-star labs

My Profile- https://www.qwiklabs.com/public_profiles/e4284d07-90bc-4233-83bf-f89df0f3a808

Hello every one ! Hope you all are doing great!!

What is one lab or quest that you would give a five-star recommendation?

The quest that i would give a five-star recommendation is "Google Cloud Essentials".

And why?

Now i want to say why i have picked it up , I have picked it up as this quest is very helpful for beginners and i am saying  in from my own experience . I had not done anything related to Cloud  before doing this one  and as a beginner i have found it very helpful to get started with Google Cloud .

This quest is one which has taught me to create  Google Compute Engine Virtual Machine , connect to computing resources hosted on Google Cloud platform via the web , set up both network load balancers and HTTP load balancers for application running compute engine virtual machines.

So i would recommend this quest to every beginner who is trying to get started with Google Cloud .

Thank you @emily927  for your effort and time.

Hey! According to me the lab - Exploring Data with Looker under the Quest - Exploring Data with Looker is a five-star level recommendation. It is a really great, simple to understand, and immensely useful lab experience that helps you grasp skillsets used for using Looker and creating data visualizations that are straightforward, easy to understand, and presentable. Recently, I have been inclined to data analysis a lot and this lab helped me experience how data visualization works with hands-on experience and now I have gained better insights about it.

My profile: https://www.qwiklabs.com/public_profiles/51c1bddf-2ce8-4481-a41d-823379cfd39f

Looker is my absolute favorite work-related tool! Great pick! 

At one point I worked at a start-up that used Looker. For a recent college grad who really didn't know much about, well, anything, it was a fantastic way to discover business insights 🔍

Looking back (ha ha) it was a really empowering tool. Still is! 

My Skill Boost Public Profile

I would like to recommend you all Engineer Data in Google Cloud quest. According to me this quest is a 5 star quest. In this quest you will learn how to:

1. Build data pipelines using Cloud Dataprep by Trifacta, Pub/Sub, and Dataflow.

2. Use Cloud IoT Core to collect and manage MQTT-based devices.

3. Use Cloud Storage, Dataflow, and BigQuery to perform ETL.

4. Build a machine learning model using BigQuery ML.

5. Use Cloud Composer to copy data across multiple locations.

This quest is a great resource for understanding topics that will appear in the Google Cloud Certified Professional Data Engineer Certification. So if you are applying for GCC Professional Data Engineer Certification then you must definitely go through this quest and have hands on practise. I just loved the flow of this quest, here you will learn to deal with data in BigQuery, Dataprep and Dataflow.

There is a challenge lab as last lab of this quest which test your skills that you learnt from the quest.

You even get a skill badge on completing this quest. A skill badge is an exclusive digital badge issued by Google Cloud in recognition of your proficiency with Google Cloud products and services and tests your ability to apply your knowledge in an interactive hands-on environment. So it works as a digital certificate as a proof of your skill.

Here is My Skill Badge of Engineer Data in Google Cloud quest.



i will try next time






Hi @emily927,


Google Cloud Essential is the Badge.

Its the beginning of a non coder or any other person to Google Cloud. And the stepining stone to Cloud, everyone goes through this badge in one way or other. It is also written well and in a quiet narrative way with less technicality.

Give some respect to Google Cloud Essential Badge By liking this reply.


Googlw Cloud Essential Link : https://www.qwiklabs.com/public_profiles/42ca67fa-10d8-4009-b585-e476264d0085/badges/1608633


My Profile Link : https://www.qwiklabs.com/public_profiles/42ca67fa-10d8-4009-b585-e476264d0085


According to me, the one exact Quest which is a 5-star level is - "Exploring Data with Looker ". I feel that way because it taught and introduced me very deeply how to Looker and how Looker exactly works. It was a completely different experience than cloud console. I really liked it and i'm about to work on a project consisting of Looker. PEACE!!!

My public profile link : https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/public_profiles/936250ab-41f2-4810-b438-c02820afdddb?qlcampaign=...




I am very excited to show you all that i completed my 1st Badge for Google Cloud Essentials.

I like this lab because i got to know much knowldge about Remote Access, virtual machine and more while i was completing.

And I would like to thank @emily927 for giving free Monthly Subscription.

Thanks @emily927 for this event


Hello everyone!

So I have completed a bunch of labs and quests. But the one lab that I really enjoyed working on was Integrate with Machine Learning APIs. This lab consisted of APIs like Cloud Vision, Natural Language and Translation APIs. I have always been facinated by how whenever I'd search in Google Images, it'd show me all the similar images and i never understood how it was done. But soon after doing this lab, I got a clear idea of how the Vision API uses distinct features to find similar images; and how Natural Language API uses syntactic analysis.

Thank you so much for providing us with this great opportunity

Happy Holidays y'all!

Lab Link : https://www.qwiklabs.com/quests/136

Profile Link : https://www.qwiklabs.com/public_profiles/a661654e-f678-4eab-8f76-8ad578861ba9 


Bronze 4
Bronze 4

The Five Star Lab all the labs are very amazing each of them have something new and different I think The "Build and Secure Networks in Google Cloud: Challenge Lab" is a very good 5 Star lab as from my view i like Networking and security how it works how the data is Transfered and secured how they are saved from attackers, firewalls, cloud security and all of it i love all of them i am in school right now and my teacher is teaching me basic commands of Ubuntu and linux I am like seriously but its nice yeah this lab plays around Removing the overly permissive rules And many more if you have interest in security Do try this lab thank you so much for Reading!!

My Profile link - Ohm Ramwala 

*@emily927 *






I would like to show all of you my recently earned badge name google cloud essentials.

While performing this lab I got to learn about much things like completing the Set Up and Configure a Cloud Environment in Google Cloud quest, where you learn multiple ways to deploy and monitor applications including how to: explore IAM rols and add/remove project access, create VPC networks, deploy and monitor Compute Engine VMs, write SQL queries, deploy and monitor VMs in Compute Engine, and deploy applications using Kubernetes with multiple deployment approaches.

Thus performing this quest was quite fun and enjoyed a lot by doing the new challenge.

Therfore I would like to give 5 Star rating to the lab and also comment as AWESOME!

Hey @emily927, how are you doing!
Was eagerly waiting for this weeks #QwiklabsExpress challenge.

*Notice*:  (CHEATERS Spotted!!!)

I was just checking the comments on this thread posted by the users, and I noticed something off about the "Likes" count on some of the comments.
At the time of writing this comment, there are 3-4 comments that have unbelievably high amount of "Likes" to their comments (between 20 to 40 likes on each comment). When I inspected which users gave the LIKES to those comments, almost every account was a new account (Community Visitor), plus most of those accounts didn't even participate in the actual event or thread.

Now I know some of the users may be new, but to get this much amount to likes in a couple of hours (2-3hrs) is unbelievable for me, correct me if I am wrong. 🤔
Its really funny to see that the original post has just 14 likes (ATM) and the comments under it have already proceeded 30 likes 🤣.

I also went to the last week's post (All aboard the #QwiklabsExpress!) to check the average amount of likes the comments had under this post, basically almost 99% of comments had 0 likes, except some exceptions here and there where @emily927  and others liked a point or two.

I think some people are clearly cheating in this challenge, and the ones who are playing it fair are getting played with. 😐

Anyways I am not hoping to get a reward for this quest as it is really out of my hand, but I still want to share a good quest which I had completed previously. Just really sad to see people who cheat will get the goodies rather that those who's comments were really helpful.


Name of the Quest: Kubernetes in Google Cloud (Kubernetes in Google Cloud | Qwiklabs )

Skills Boost Profile: https://www.qwiklabs.com/public_profiles/6ed24e77-5bd7-4449-8ba8-f9b1a32ef5d0

What is one lab or quest that you would give a five-star recommendation? And why?

I would give "Kubernetes in Google Cloud" a five-star recommendation, because this was the first quest, where I got to learn and get hands-on experience on configuring Docker images, managing containers and deploying kubernates engine applications. Also, in this quest got to learn about how to use Jenkins in kubernates engine for continuous delivery.
This quest is a really good starting point for newcomers to learn what exactly a Docker or Kubernates is and who want to learn how to package their applications into a container and run across a cluster or anyone who wants to know how to take their project from development environment to a scalable production in an efficient way.

Screenshot 2021-12-20 at 22-14-33 Kubernetes in Google Cloud.png

I am with you bro its very true how is it possible @emily927 please look into this 

@sniper1999 @emily13 Hey Guys! I have 47 likes ATM on my comment and no i didn't cheat or spammed with fake accounts. I simply shared my comment link with my network which included my friends and family. Infact I introduced them to Google Cloud and brought new members to the community. So please check the facts before blaming. I was targetting on getting likes as well as new members for the community. If you don't know, there is a Permalink option on every comment so as to make it easier sharing it. I hope you understand. Cheers!

#QwiklabsExpress: 5-star labs

I would like to show all of you my recently earned badge name . Confluent on Google Cloud
while performing this lab i got to learn about much things Confluent on Google Cloud about the basics of some g cloud also. thus performing this quest was quite fun and enjoyed a lot by doing the new challenge. ALSO i given it 5 star as it was the first ever lab done by me and also got to learn much new things.






Also i would like to give it a 5 star as much basic knowledge we get to it by completing the quest.

@emily927  thnks very much.



1.What is one lab or quest that you would give a five-star recommendation? And why?

*Exact name of the quest >> Google Cloud Essentials

*Why you recommend this particular quest >>

There is a Chinese saying by Lao Tzu that goes "The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step". For me this first step towards Google cloud learning was the quest "Google Cloud Essentials"

After 2 years of continuous learning and engagement with Google cloud I have come a long way in my cloud journey. from being a newbie to the field of Cloud computing to becoming a certified "Associate Cloud Engineer" took great practice and understanding of the subject.

And all this started because of the quest "Google Cloud Essentials".

Even if you are a newbie or a certified practitioner, Even if you want to understand complicated concepts related to cloud or just want to amuse yourself with the beauty of GCP, This lab is perfect for everyone.

This is the starting point that could indulge every new learner to inculcate a sense of achievement , which would in turn make you valiant enough to continue your learning path. This introductory quest provides you the simplest way to start your journey by practicing with GCP's fundamental tools and services. You don't need any prior experience with Cloud computing for this lab and that's what makes it perfect for everyone.

And that's why even after completing more than 50 quests and almost 150 or more labs I would definitely rate this Quest "Google Cloud Essentials" the best one with 5 Stars and urge everyone to go through  it and gain knowledge of the cloud in most simplistic manner.

I appreciate you reading through my answer. See you in the Cloud !! 😊

*Link to Skills Boost profile >> https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/public_profiles/9ce6c120-0ffb-4cd9-8c9c-98af87ce5197

@emily927 #QwiklabsExpress: 5-star labs!

Hey Google Cloud Community! I hope you all are doing well.

I am very happy and excited to tell that last week I completed "Networking in Google Cloud" Quest and earned the badge. Here is the link of my Skills Boost profilehttps://www.cloudskillsboost.google/public_profiles/9d36183c-3f29-459b-8bd1-71ff7b7cb128



You guys must be wondering that Why it's a 5-Star Lab?? Let me tell you!

In this Quest, you can learn about the User Authentication (how to restrict access selected authenticated users with Identity-Aware Proxy), how to create Multiple VPC Networks and Perform Control Accessing, HTTP Load balancer and Internal Load Balancer and finally completed the lab challenge, Google Cloud Packet Mirroring with OpenSource IDS. 

And I personally think that the these topics are very much important and the knowledge you will gain is much more beneficial and useful, so I will definately recommend this Quest to all of you.

Once again Thanks to Google Cloud for launching the #QwiklabsExpress: 5-star labs! 


Thanks all!



Awesome work Mate! 👏 And I hope you win 😂

@emily927 #QwiklabsExpress: 5-star labs!

Last week I started and completed "Google Cloud Essentials" Quest and earned the completion badge. The link of my profile: https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/public_profiles/8068f026-b108-454d-8420-42737175bc16




Now, Let me tell you why I will recommend it as a 5-star lab (A must do lab for Beginners):

After completing this Quest, you will have knowledge about A Tour of Google Cloud Hands-on LabsCreating a Virtual MachineGetting Started with Cloud Shell and gcloudKubernetes Engine: Qwik StartSet Up Network and HTTP Load Balancers. The basic knowledge that you will gain from this Quest will be very much helpful in your future learnings and will help you a lot because these are the fundamentals of the Google Cloud and will give a quick start especially to the Beginners.

Thank you!

@emily927 @Yugali  and Attention to all my friends!

Today I am feeling so bad that now I tried to open my account (sr1349), it's showing that my account got banned from using this site. 


We're sorry, but you have been banned from using this site.
You have been banned for the following reason:
You have violated the Community Guidelines which prohibit: No spam or soliciting. The Community Team has therefore decided to permanently ban your account, effective immediately (12/21/2021). You can find information on community rules and regulations in the Community Guidelines and in our Join the Community support article."
I just wanna make a request to you guys @emily927  @Yugali  to kindly Unban my account and I promise that in future I won't be doing any spam or soliciting and to give me just one chance and will also request my friends to keep in mind the Community Guidelines, otherwise you also may loose your account. 

Quest name: Google cloud Essentials
why I recommend?
Because, With the help of this quest I started my journey towards google cloud.
This quest is most suitable for beginners. I started this quest as a beginner with no knowledge on google cloud but with the help of the hands-on labs I became familiar with lab environment and created my first virtual machine.
Also learnt how to use google cloud shell and how to deploy a containerized application with Kubernetes Engine.
I personally suggest everyone to complete this lab if you are new to google cloud lab environment.

My skills boost profile link:

Recommended Badge link:


Thanks @emily927 for all your support and I request you to organize many more events.

 #QwiklabsExpress: 5-star labs!

I have done "GOOGLE CLOUD ESSENTIALS" Quest and the labs from the quest are very helpful.I would describe the same as follows:

It is the most introductory part for learning courses related to GOOGLE CLOUD PLATFORM. I being a GCP ACE Certified person definitely RECOMMEND this particular quest as a fundamental point to start with.

This quest has:

1.How to get started with Google cloud 




So guys I would recommend you all with GOOGLE CLOUD ESSENTIALS quest giving it 5-STAR.

My profile: https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/public_profiles/da7a4cf5-93c1-4f59-85df-2badacec7960

RECOMMENDED QUEST LINK: https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/public_profiles/da7a4cf5-93c1-4f59-85df-2badacec7960/badges/1608...




According to my opinion, the best Quest is Google Cloud Essentials. 

Because it explains the complete Google Cloud Platform in a very simple way & can be taken even by the people who just started to use Google Cloud Platform.

My Profile Link - https://www.cloudskillsboost.google/public_profiles/99f83c62-bb9b-4897-b155-084093dfd6ca

Please like my Reply.

Please like mine toooo

plz like my comment too


The one lab which is 5-star according to me is - "Video Intelligence: Qwik Start" under Quest: "Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud". It is very useful and greatly informal thing who are new or a professional to Google Cloud Platform. I liked it so much.


Nice choice, I think that's my favorite lab in the foundational data quest 🙂

Please like mine tooo

@emily927 #QwiklabsExpress: 5-star labs!

Last week I started and earned the completion badge, the one exact Quest which is a 5-star level is - "Exploring Data with Looker ".  It was really amazing and interesting to play with Looker. And even it makes us easier to filter data, merge data and extract data with less amount of code and time. Interesting is that Looker is integrated with Big Query.  From this lab, I got to know that Looker helps us to explore, share, compare and visualize the any company's data so that anyone can make better business decisions. If anyone is in this field you must explore Looker. Definitely it will come useful to you.  

Thank you for giving this opportunity to share the recommendation.

My profile link: 


 Link of Quest Exploring Data with Looker:


Please like mine t

The one lab which is 5-star according to me is - "Getting started with Cloud Shell and gcloud" under Quest: "Google Cloud Essentials". It is very useful for beginners as well as professionals who are new to Google Cloud Platform. 

It provides a basic overview of the Google Cloud Shell and gcloud command used in the shell. It allowed me to learn how to use various gcloud commands like `gcloud auth list` and how to become more familiar with the Cloud Shell!

I would recommend everyone to take this lab as a starter for your career as a developer in the Google Cloud Platform!

My profile :- 


Please like mine to

Please like my comment as well


Big Thanks to @GoogleCloud and @Quicklabs for such events and inspiring to earn something new in the market. Special thanks to @emily927  because she is always secret santa for us.

Profile:- https://www.qwiklabs.com/public_profiles/7dd1c297-84a1-4526-8490-b06699818994

BigQuery is Google's fully managed, NoOps, low-cost analytics database. With BigQuery you can query terabytes and terabytes of data without managing infrastructure or needing a database administrator. BigQuery uses SQL and takes advantage of the pay-as-you-go model. BigQuery allows you to focus on analyzing data to find meaningful insights.

We have a newly available dataset for NCAA Basketball games, teams, and players. The game data covers play-by-play and box scores back to 2009, as well as final scores back to 1996. Additional data about wins and losses goes back to the 1894-5 season in some teams' cases.

In this Google Cloud Lab, we will find and query the NCAA dataset using BigQuery.

Enjoy your learning with google and quicklabs. Enjoy yours holidays too. Make sure you press the like button if you've read this far.

Thank you❤

#Queries   #Bigquery  #Data Set  #Sports Analysis

Please mine too

#QwiklabsExpress: 5-star labs 

The one lab which is 5 star according to me is "Build and secure network " . Its is very helpful lab develops skill and knowledge.



My badge link:-




Also i would like to give it a 5 star as much basic knowledge we get to it by completing the quest.


@emily927 thnks very much










Hi,  @emily927 here is the link to my profile.

I had completed a quest named Google Cloud Essentials. It was an introductory one. In this introductory-level Quest, you will get hands-on practice with the Google Cloud’s fundamental tools and services. Google Cloud Essentials is the recommended first Quest for the Google Cloud learner - you will come in with little or no prior cloud knowledge, and come out with practical experience that you can apply to your first Google Cloud project. From writing Cloud Shell commands and deploying your first virtual machine, to running applications on Kubernetes Engine or with load balancing, Google Cloud Essentials is a prime introduction to the platform’s basic features.

I would definitely recommend this one to have a hands on experience to what GCP has to offer you.

Quite excited to learn from #QwikLabs

Please like my comment 

Top Labels in this Space