August 2, 2022


Deployment Time: 2:00 PM PST

Features & enhancements

Item Description
Enhancement AppSheet apps for desktop users (Preview)

The new desktop design, currently in preview, is optimized for desktop browsers, presenting a more complete view of information with a consistent organization and structure. The new desktop design lets users navigate their apps more easily and access information in context, and provides an efficient way to edit existing records without losing context.

The following provides an example of the new desktop design:


The legacy desktop design, enabled by default, provides an experience similar to the mobile and tablet device.

This feature will be rolled out gradually. 

For more information, see:

Bug fixes


Rollout changes


Preview announcements

The AppSheet Preview program lets app creators try out new app features that are not yet fully supported. Learn how to participate in the AppSheet preview program for app client features.

  • No new preview features were released today.

What's currently available in the Preview program?

Item Description
Feature Table view

Table View now supports freezing the first column while scrolling horizontally. For details, see Freezing the first Column of a Table View - in Preview Program.

Feature Chart Editor

App Creators can now make use of our new chart editor and the new and improved charts it can create. Learn more.

Feature Detail views

Rich text formatting is now available in Detail views. For details, see this announcement in the community.

9 12 327
Silver 2
Silver 2

Well done...

Gold 5
Gold 5

Hi @lizlynch 

Could you provide a better screenshot image of the Desktop preview? Thanks!


@SkrOYC - Sure -- I hope that is a little better!

Silver 1
Silver 1

@lizlynch Cant wait to test it out!

I'll make a new sample desktop app just to see  what the new UI looks like 😀.

I notice in the screenshot you shared that the design is a bit more modern than the current one, more of a Google Material theme. The animated gifs on the homepage also have a newer design than the current interface with rounded edges, etc.


Is there a time frame on when these design changes will be rolled out broadly?

Gold 5
Gold 5

Hi @EliK 

I'd say that both use material design just desktop vs mobile. AppSheet was updated with material design in mind a long time ago.

I don't know if we are going to receive the Material 3 soon, although I don't like it that much to be honest

Silver 1
Silver 1

@SkrOYC Yes, but I was referring to the new animated examples on (when you're not signed in)




Hi @EliK  and @SkrOYC,

I can't speak to the home page. I imagine that they were designed from a marketing perspective, and weren't meant to be precise. I appreciate that they may be misleading.

As per the images in the community announcement and in the release note above, these screen captures are from an actual app! So you should see similar results! 

I agree this is a super exciting enhancement! Please provide feedback on the Community Announcement.




@EliK  and @SkrOYC,

Thank you for your feedback! I can't really speak to the images that appear on the home page. I suspect they were created by the Marketing team and weren't designed to be an exact representation.

As per the images in the Community Announcement and in the release note above, these are captured from an actual app. So you should experience similar results.

I agree that this is an exciting new enhancement! If you have feedback on the enhancement, please add your comments to the Community Announcement

Thank you!



Sorry for the duplicate reply! I thought my original response was lost so I re-entered it! 😁

Silver 1
Silver 1

I turned it on, when I try to open my app on desktop it is just blank now. nothing happens. in the preview and on iOS it works as usual, but when I click open in tab it doesn't load anything.


@clintinthecode I'd like to take a look at your app to see what's going on in Desktop mode, I'll send you a direct message!