Great way to make [List of Notices] for a record


Often I find myself needing to find a way to communicate several things to a user for a record.  Things like:

 - You forgot to create child records that are required for correct operation
 - Something needs to be assigned to something
 - You still have X number of things to do
 - We need a signature
 - The order hasn't been paid, it's missing something else, and another thing


Whenever I have a list of things I need to communicate to users, I find myself creating something like what you see above.  The list is dynamic, meaning there may be 15 items in the list and it will expand/contract based on how many items are in the list

Here's the formula used



	if(IsBlank([Related InstPhase_Sections]), 
		" --> Missing Sections",
		" --> Missing Required Items",
		IsBlank([Related InstPhase_Sections]), 
		" --> Need to assign required items to a section",
- list("nope")
, " , ",



  • The column type is a LongText - this way you get multi-line functionality
  • It starts with a SUBSTITUTE(), but if you set that aside for a moment you'll notice the next bit is a LIST() - that's the meat-and-potatoes of it all.
  • The central idea here is we're literally creating a list of things to display to the user
  • The key in getting things to "go away" when we want them to is to include a "fallback" option...
    • then remove that option from the list. (^_^)
  • We then take that list and substitute out the separator used, and replace it with a line-break
    • this puts each item on it's own line
  • When you need to add something else into the list, meaning you've got another reminder you need to show people, you just add in another option branch

Formula Breakdown

  • Lines 1-2: basic openers
  • Line 3: starts an option branch for (if there's NO sections)
  • Line 4: the display entry for when there's no sections
  • Line 5: the fallback option
  • Line 6: spacer
  • Lines 7-9: option branch for (if there's NO required images)
  • Lines 10-16: option branch for (if there ARE required images, but NO sections)
  • Line 17: closing of the list started on line 2
  • Line 18: removes the fallback option from the list
    • At this point, the list would contain a bunch of fallback options if any of the option branches defaulted to the fallback
    • So the list would look something like this:
      nope , nope , -->blah blah , etc...
    • So by removing all the fallbacks, we're left with a list of only the options we need to display
  • Line 19: this line holds all the instructions for the SUBSTITUTE() started in line 1
    • The first comma separates out the first part of the SUBSTITUTE() formula (the list)
    • The first set of double-quotes holds the default separator used by SUBSTITUTE() - "space comma space" - and is what the SUBSTITUTE() formula is looking for
  • Lines 20-21: The set of double-quotes holds a line break
    • This is then switched out for every instance of the comma separator - which has the effect of putting each item on it's own line


There's many different ways you can format your list, the bullet point you use could be an actual bullet point font-image, but I figured I would share this quick method for generating a list of reminders - since I use it ALL the time!  


15 18 781

Good one, I like it.
I noticed the fact that it's not a string, instead a list wich makes sense. I don't imagine making all of this out of IFS().

The usage of SUBSTITUTE to change from a " , " to a line break is great, very ingenious.

I like Show columns instead of normal ones for "messages" to the user but I don't know if we can apply a format rule to Show columns. If we do, I'd preffer that route, although I wouldn't be able to reference to this "status" column if I need it somewhere

BTW, you can forget about the "nope" ones if you use IFS() instead of IF() since the last one needs a third argument and the first one doesn't afaik.

Something like this:


      IsBlank([Related InstPhase_Sections]),
      " --> Missing Sections"
      " --> Missing Required Items"
        IsBlank([Related InstPhase_Sections]), 
      " --> Need to assign required items to a section"
  " , ",


Or is it that IFS() that are False produce blank instead of nothing and you would need to remove the blanks anyway?

Sure, but I prefer to easily see things - especially when I'm sharing a formula for others with less understanding of the ins-and-outs.  It's clear a dry what's happening with the fallbacks and removing them from the list; if I used blanks it's not as clear.  ๐Ÿ˜‰

Just remember to remove the blank option from the list!

Yeah, I noticed that when I was writing it! Thanks

@SkrOYC wrote:

I like Show columns instead of normal ones for "messages" to the user, but I don't know if we can apply a format rule to Show columns. If we do, I'd prefer that route, although I wouldn't be able to reference to this "status" column if I need it somewhere

Formatting rules on Show columns = true (^_^)

applying formatting rules to a Show(Text) column in AppSheetapplying formatting rules to a Show(Text) column in AppSheet

But yeah, then you can't reference back to the notice column for things.

I like to use the presence of anything inside that notice column as an easy way to tell if something should be in a certain status: IsNotBlank([Warning/Notice_Column])

Bonus if you've got the "preview new options" turned on for your app

Turn the LongText type into "HTML" and use the following formula instead:

    " , ", 

 Formula Breakdown

  • Line 1: open a CONCATENATE()
  • Line 2: starts a string - with an Unordered List HTML opening tag
  • Line 3: closes the string - with a List Item HTML opening tag
  • Line 4: starts a substitute (similar idea to what we're doing in the first post)
  • Line 5: this is where you list goes, in whatever form it takes (as long as it's a list!)
  • Line 6: This is the default separator used by lists, and the thing we're feeding to the second part of the SUBSTITUTE()
  • Line 7: starts a string - with a list item HTML closing tag
  • Line 8: closed the string - with a list item HTML opening tag
    • Both lines 7 & 8 contain the "replacement" part we're feeding to the SUBSTITUTE()
    • So each default separator is instead going to be replaced with the line item tags
  • Line 9: closes the SUBSTITUTE()
  • Line 10: starts a string - with a list item HTML closing tag
  • Line 11: closes the string - with an Unordered List HTML closing tag
  • Line 12: closes the starting CONCATENATE()

This is amazing! How do we add multiple columns of related list. ex: [related comments][comments] just returns list of all related comments. What if I need multiple columns of related column ? Name and comments of same row ? How can we do it ?

I meant Something like this.

Screenshot 2022-11-12 at 9.03.17 PM.png

@Rifad wrote:

How do we add multiple columns of related list.

Your question sounds similar to the following recent post:  Re: iterating over child rows to create a string - Google Cloud Community . Maybe the technique mentioned there addresses your need.

Oh and here's another way (if you don't want to include the bullet inside the list item itself)


  "  -->", 
    " , ", 


Helpful for creating a nice derivative list for display

Always another way (matrix) - reduced.gif

Why are you doing it that way, instead of just:


IFS( x , "text
IFS( y , "other text



As I said before....

Always another way (matrix) - reduced.gif


Yah but there must be some reason why you chose a more complicated approach. Does it offer some benefit?

Well, from my POV, you can manipulate list on ways that text can't, you would need to change it to a list before hand. You know this but as examples you can count, index, intersect, sort, etc

Being able to count the reminders can be helpful, but honestly @Marc_Dillon I've done it your way as well.

 - I gave it a think, and I honestly can't come up with a good reason why I did it this way

     - Simply a matter of that's what my mind settled on when I needed to make a list of reminders


Fair enough ๐Ÿ˜‰

I would prefer show type instead of longtext. Show type get's calculated when you open the view. It is not calculated on sync. So you can save sync time.

I remember why I use the long text column over the show column....

With the long text, there's actual values inside the column - which means I can base functionality off of that fact alone.




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