SVG launch image

Here’s the right size for bg and logo, which has fit perfectly on all screen resolutions so far:

Upload it to your Google drive account. Get shareable link. Select “Anyone with the link”.

Change the first part of the link, remove the last part and add your fileid (scrambled letters and numbers), so it looks like this:

Paste it into the launch image bar:


EDIT: For even better loading time convert it to Base64, go to this post made by Jonathon for more info: SVG launch image

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@Martin_Pace Check it

How to make it this BG ?

Should it be the SVG file format?

Go into the brand settings.

Vector graphics in SVG file format.

how do i find the detail size & resolution?

Open the svg in Illustrator, Affinity designer or another equivalent program. Edit the color, and add your logo

I will try it

Thank you very much

Hello Ratatosk,

i’ve to edit from your template brand, its cool. But why does not appear on my mobile,
but in the editor application it appears


can you explained it?

Hi Yayasan,

Mine shows up in the middle of the loading at the first load and then it shows after if I refresh. Maybe you have a really fast loading app

Still think it works better than the awful jpeg stretched thingy before.

I tried to refresh many times on my mobile, but it doesn’t appear.
I tried restarting my mobile, and it still doesn’t appear

Maybe try run it through a SVG minifier.

I had some svgs not show up in the app. Some of them worked after letting it through a minifier.

Ouuw another software
i’ve tried online editor

but OK i will try it

thank you very much

Just a note that svg is not officially supported by appsheet, so it may be hit and miss. You can send it to me if you’d like and I can push it through the same process I did and see if it is different.

Helo Ratatosk,

yess…still same my problem, it’s not appear from my mobile

I will give you my file ( svg )

The icon is not vector graphics. It’s raster graphics. Just the text and background are vector

What ??
Can you help me to convert it ?

You have to download the icon as svg from the site that you got it from

still same problem,

i’ve download icon as svg format,
but still its not appear from my mobile

Background is an image.


The file is 281 kb, it should be closer to 10 kb if it’s an svg with icon and optimized

I tried using your brand image, it’s same problem…it’s not appear on my mobile

May be caused svg format ???

Here is the file. I’ve fixed it in Affinity designer, recreated a broken icon, vectorized the font, created a new bakground and optimized it with:

It is now 11 kb instead of 280kb

It works fine with me now.

As I said, SVG is not supported, and you’ll have some waiting the first time before the bg appears.

Thank you very much for help

But, can you provide a capture from your cellphone for the background in svg format?
Becaused on my phone, its not working
But its working apps editor

Then it’s probably your phone.

Yes you right, tried to another phone (android) it’s working
But on myphone (IOS) its not working

Hikzzz why…

Yeah, IOS. A locked down nightmare.

Fixed, it’s problem becaused myphone ( ios - iphone )

will all iPhone users have this problem? Is there an iPhone user here who has a problem like me ???

All I have to say is wow.
Above and beyond. Thanks for being active in the community.

SVG’s are handled slightly differently between browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc)… In the case of iOS devices, appsheet is rendered through the Safari browser.

You can include SVG in iOS applications, including the logo or background. The issue is likely some property of the svg file itself.

Your SVG has an embedded raster graphic - I suspect this is causing the issue. Embedding a raster graphic in an SVG is also ignoring much of the benefit you would get from SVG in the first place (the raster portion is not scalable).

I’ve converted the embedded rasters to vector graphics, this should fix the issues you were having.


You can also convert the graphic to a base64 string, and paste this string directly into the launch image spot:


Your base64 image



Just noticed @Ratatosk already did this

Hi Jonathon, can you share a link to where you convert it?

Any base64 encoder will work, for example:

Then just add a datatype declaration: data:image/svg+xml;base64,<base64 encoded string>


This SVG:

<svg width="100" height="100">
<circle cx="50" cy="50" r="40" fill="red" />

Becomes this base64 string:


Which you would preface with a data declaration as such:


Hai jonathan,

Thank your for help

I will try your trick…

Hi Jonathon, would you add that the brackets (<>) should not be used on the “base64 encoded string”. I had some trouble before understanding it.

A plus on using your technique is that the SVG also loads faster than my method with a url. And the google sheets data also loads faster!

Edit: sorry I saw now that you added an example… My mistake.

Hi Ratatosk,

i have svg file for lunch image, but it’s not working…

can you help me…

thank you

That file may have a .svg extension, but its actually a raster image embedded into an svg.

AppSheet support for that is not so great… but more to the point: embedding raster images in svg defeats the purpose of using svg in the first place.

Hi jonathan,

what should i do? please advice…


In this case you would be better off using a .png or .jpg of the image.

If you don’t have the actual .svg assets, then you could run it through a tool that will convert it to .svg (usually with not-so-great results), or you could have someone do it manually (2-3 hours for someone who knows what they’re doing).

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