100 mb size limit google presentation

New Member



I had problems uploading a pptx file, I got a generic non-informative error message saying "Upload failed".


After contacting support, and doing a lot of troubleshooting, I understod that it is due to an apparent size limit of just 100 (!) mb for google slide conversion of pptx files. This is a huge limitation since it is fairly common for presentation files to exceed this.

Since I do not have MS Powerpoint installed I am stuck, I cannot open the file and edit it. And would I even want to do that? Why is there a 100 mb limit? Why not 500 mb?


The support person asked me to create feature request. When I tried to do so I got the following error message.


This is so bad user experience I cannot describe. Now I am writing this into the void, with honestly no hope that this will change anything.

At least the sun is shining outside.


1 3 7,899


They announced that the limit would be increased to 300MB, but the rollout is paused.


There isn't much options left.

You can recreate the entire presentation on google presentations or delete content on pptx to upload the file.

Why is this file so big? have a lot of videos?

I recommend to upload the video on youtube and link them on the file.



300 MB is surely better than 100 MB.

Why it is so big? I don't know, since I am not the author of the
presentation. It is not within my control. And since I don't have and do
not want to have MS Powerpoint installed, I cannot open it to edit atm.

Looking forward to that rollout


While I agree about the size limit being terrible restricted currently, you could for the time being use LibreOffice to open the file if you just need to view the contents without paying for extra software.

You can also rename/open the file as a zip-file to extract content from within it, like embedded audio or video.

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