User gmail export

Hi, we have a user that is no longer working with our group and has requested we separate their data from a workspace account and send it to them and I can't figure out how to do this, please advise

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There are two ways I can think of for a full data export.
1. Google Vault if you have it. You can export all Gmail and Drive data. Please see below for Contacts data. 
2. Enable Google Takeout for that account and have the customer do a takeout. That gives them all their data. 

Contacts data will probably need to be exported from inside Contacts as the logged in user. 

Reading your post again, if they only what their data then that gets interesting. 
I would have them export out their own Contacts data, have them put all email that is "theirs" in a single label and same for Drive data. The customer is going to have to do the heavy lift of data organization. Then use vault to export both data labels, one from Drive and one from Gmail. If you don't have Vault you could "got your back" out the label to eml files and have the customer download all the Drive data. I do not know of a way to "separate" the data workspace and personal if it's all in the same account. 

Just some thoughts. Let me know if you have more context to this request. IE: All Workspace data is sent to email A and all personal is sent to email B or something like that.

You can also do an export as an admin--see for the details (essentially adding the user to a group or OU, then doing an export for that group/OU).

thx for the reply but that's the full export isn't it not an individual user.

You can add just the one user to a group or OU, then export just that group/OU.

that makes sense thank you

how do i enable google takeout, i have looked at all the applications on the account and i feel like a dolt as i cant find it.