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Since ‎02-26-2020

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I have a Google spreadsheet where a column contains the string that corresponds to an image in Base64. For example: /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wBDAAYEBQYFBAY… How can I convert this back to an image link so that App sheet can display the image?
Can a LOOKUP formula introduce errors in decimals? The formula deduces from OnHand column the sold Quantity stored in Sales Table of each Item. All the integer results are perfect, but decimals are not subtracting correctly. Usually the result of thi...
I have lists on tables that need to be added or subtracted from inventory table. Currently I can add parts or subtract parts using LINKTOFORM() but now I need to do this in LIST forms to speed up and automate the process. Is there a formula that can ...
I am totally confused, Is there a description of the “Update event” for Email Workflow? What is the meaning of ALL_CHANGES? ETC ETC ETC I am getting the emails only when a STATUS (ENUM) column changes and ignores all other changes. edit: If I change ...
Business transactions are first recorded in the journal and then they are posted to respective ledger accounts in the general ledger. This requires the use of two tables and the simultaneous recording of the transaction in two different tables. I my ...