XY multiple drawings

Bronze 5
Bronze 5

I have an inspection app for a facilty with 5 floors. I have the blueprints of each floor in a pdf file. How do i use the pdf to pin locations and how do i make it so i can add more than one pdf?

0 58 1,716

Since AppSheet allow you to choose image size/quality as one-for-all. You may need very high resolution for map but less resolution for other images. This is why I am not using G-Drive for my maps.

That’s possible after saving the image. Because the image has to be saved once. After that you can create the URL.
So what you can do:

  1. Open a form to add image
  2. Via Action open a Slice of this table with his own form and here you can use XY.

Now you have one to one kinda of relationship. One inspection place have one xy type image.
Then you just change the data schema a bit.
Create the table for xy type image, where your user can add new images and use those images as xy type column background.

Easy and simple.

So far i have created the url myself and changed it directly in the data sheet. If my user uploads an image, how can appsheet convert it to a url?

SUBSTITUTE(concatenate(“https://www.appsheet.com/template/gettablefileurl?appName={LOCATIONS-775072}&tableName={DATA}&fileNa...]), " ", “%20”)

It is valid, i place it in my formula, but i don’t get an image

Sorry, the topic and subject started to deviate from the original one, suggest you should create new thread.

Please try it without the curly brackets “{” and “}”.



You missing , before [image]

Yes follow Fabian you should test with editor to check your expression is valid or not.


I keep getting that it’s valid, but in my shhet i get this:

so clearly i’m doing something wrong

Obviously no value in image field. Are you sure you saved a image file for that row?

Is the expression written correct?

I understood my problem now, i uploaded the image and ran the expression in the same row so the image was not saved yet, once i edited the row the url was made.

Thanks @Fabian @tsuji_koichi and @Swoopy

Oki doki Great, now your case is closed. Keep up with Appsheet.

I have read through this forum and have found it very helpful as I am new to the Appsheet Community.
I have had a similar problem that I can not solve and was not able to find a simple answer by reading this and was wondering if anyone would be able to help me with my problem.

I have a Construction App that has a list of my companies projects. We inspect the site weekly, and I want to be able to include a xy feature within the weekly inspection form that allows our inspectors to add comments to a base image of my choosing. I am able to get base image working, but I am not able to get referenced base images to pull up based on the site name.

Again, I am very new to Appsheet and may need more than a simple explanation and would love anyone who would be able to look over my app to help me fix it.

Open a new thread or write me directly, be glad to help if i can

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